Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Time to think after the squirrel stew: A follow-up to my review of Winter’s Bone

Two notes…

1. Drinking age

I didn’t think when I commented on Ree sitting out in Teardrop’s truck when he was in a bar—that she couldn’t go in because she wasn’t of age. That makes the social/familial awkwardness of the scene different, from my original assessment of Ree being the oddball in not going in. Still, if Teardrop (ignoring the drinking-age issue) is the real one at fault here, one can ask, Where is Ree’s social life? Why doesn’t she “go out somewhere” with friends, as with Gail? Not a big deal, but with this editorial note I thought I’d show I’d forgotten the drinking age was raised to 21 all over, a while back, hence my reading of Ree in this matter was a bit off….

2. Another point I could have made, in assessing Ree in her heroic aspect…

…is that the big problem with her corner of society, in addition to drugs shaping it a certain perverse way, is a failure of imagination, on the part of this society, that determines her being in the pathetic situation she’s in.