I did my federal tax form,
including the stuff associated with the line on the 1040 memo’d with “individual
responsibility” for health insurance, and form 8965, which deals with an
exemption from the tax penalty for not getting health insurance per the ACA. I
worried about aspects of the penalty provisions in Part 2 of this series—it turns out, worried unnecessarily
in some ways.
Fortunately, none of the tax
forms asked for specific insurance-policy numbers, because it would be
confusing to me which of the numbers I have (and for which insurance policy—i.e.,
which carrier) I would put down for 2014. All the 1040 and associated forms
asked about was whether you had insurance, and if not for part of the year….
I filled out the worksheet
that calculates what your penalty would be if you were not covered for part of
the year. Indeed, I considered myself uncovered for part of the year, but the
end result of all my tax prep stuff was different from what I’d envisioned, and
I won’t say anything more about it other than that the end result didn’t leave me screaming.
But the big point to make here
is that the worksheet you fill out to figure part-year penalty seems like it
was designed by the Cat in the Hat, with help from Thing One and Thing Two.