Tuesday, January 28, 2020

R.I.P. Richard Conklin (1939-2020)

My mother met him in 1982, when she was buying a used car, a Dodge Diplomat, from him (the car had belonged to his mother). Dick dated my mother a short time, and he was enough of a family friend that he came to my college graduation in 1984. I would see him, be associated with him, and know him as enough of a “man about town” that, in the 1990s, I would be tapped to be involved with him, as would many others, as part of the Vernon Township Democratic Club and other Democratic doings in town—campaigns, including one in 1995 where Howard Burrell was first elected to the township committee. Dick, some of us Dems, and others also were involved in county-level Democratic business.

The Dems stuff was a rich phase of my life, running about 1994-2005.

I last saw Dick in 2012, at a memorial event for Sig Borstad, the son of Daniel Borstad; Sig had died in his fifties, I believe. Dan died within the past couple years, in his eighties.

Dick was in a nursing home for years. My mother and I have talked about him a lot. She used to get Christmas cards from two of his sisters for years (we didn’t realize the older sister had died).

I hope many others in Vernon talk about him in coming days, from whatever angle. I can’t make his memorial service in Vernon on Jan. 29.